“The government doesn’t believe we can bring tourists here. They said: ‘nobody wants to come to see the desert. It is not intersteng for us, maybe it is not interesting for them’”. …
Sluit je ogen. Denk aan het oude Perzische rijk. Zie voor je hoe eeuwen geleden Perzische krijgers zich voorbereiden op de oorlog. Doe dat, en je ziet Zurkhaneh voor je: de heldensport …
“Most of the young girls they don’t know [how to cook the traditional dishes] and if my future wife doesn’t know, I would like to cook it by myself.” – Meisam Proef …
“We have some problem. For example if you walk in the street as a couple, the police [can] ask ‘what is happening, what is your relationship?’. […] It becomes harder and harder …
“Listen, in Iran you are not obligated to keep [your headscarf] like this. You can see in the street: many ladies wear the scarf from here.” – Advies-gevende Iraniër GOEDKOPE VLUCHTEN MOGELIJK …